Sunday, November 18, 2012


As previously promised in my Yumminess post, I made the Cookie-Candy-Brownies!

The first step was to put cookie dough in the bottom of the pan (I cheated and used store bought dough since this was just a quick trial run).

Then I layered pieces of candy that we had lefter over from Halloween.   I used Reese's, Milky Way, Snickers, Twix and 3 Musketeers.

The third layer is brownies. Again, not from scratch, I used a box mix (actually, now that I think about it, I don't think I've ever made brownies from scratch....need to add that to my To Do list!). 

   Then you bake at 350 for about 45 minutes.  And get this:

The first trial didn't work so well because the pieces were way too big to eat (very rich!) and they were very crumbly.  

I ended up changing the way I did it a little bit when I made the 2nd batch to take to my family's Thanksgiving this afternoon.  Sadly, I was in a hurry to get them done, so I didn't have time to take any during pics, only one of the final result.

I only used Reese's and chopped them up to make a "crumble" as the second layer.  That way I could cut the pieces smaller and still have some of the Reese's taste in each bite/piece.  That also let me make the brownie layer smaller since it was overwhelming the first time. I was smart and lined the bottom of the pan with aluminum foil (and also sprayed it with Pam), so I could lift it out and cut it easily.

Here's the final product:

Possibly making candy stuffed cookies for Thanksgiving dinner with the other side of the family!  Pics to come if I have time to do it.  My other food project in the works is to make candy covered Oreo's! I bought molds at Jo-Ann that are Christmas themed and have things like snowflakes and Santa on them.

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