Thursday, November 29, 2012


Thank God, only 1 more day left to make it through this week!  It's been a pretty rough week as you can probably tell  =(  I'm hoping to post some more product reviews and recipe photos this weekend, but I honestly don't know if I will get around to it or not.  I've had an issue with fatigue for about a year now and, while it was doing better for a few months (but never completely went away), it has been coming back with a vengeance the past few weeks ='(   I've had several blood tests and tried different supplements and medications, but my Dr can't figure out what is causing it and nothing seems get rid of it. I really thought something was wrong with my thyroid based on other symptoms I've read about online, but nope, from all tests my thyroid appears to be functioning extremely well.  So for now I just have to deal with it and wait for things to get a little better again.   And hopefully I can spend some extra time sleeping this weekend  =)

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