Wednesday, December 5, 2012

'Tis the Season....for craziness

Well, I obviously didn't get to do any posts over the weekend, nor did I get any extra sleep :(  Ended up having to work and then run a bunch of errands (I did manage to get the dogs a Christmas present and buy the little one a reindeer outfit though!  Will try to post pics tonight!)  And I see no extra downtime anywhere in the near future - parades and work meetings this weekend, Disney/Orlando the following, Christmas the next and finally New Years! I'm excited about all of these things, but I know I'm gonna have a hard time making it through them...especially with how worn out I already feel.

And stress does not help with fatigue! Got a call from my bank on Friday afternoon that my credit card number had been stolen! Some asshole spent over $750 on shoes and clothes while I was giving blood just to get 2 free movie tickets (Oh the irony!).  So between the stress and lack of blood I crashed very early Friday night.

Anyway, back to my original point, I will get the rest of the reviews for my College VoxBox done this week/weekend!  I've even set up some alarms on my phone to remind me to post (this fatigue has made me so incredibly forgetful it's not even funny!). 

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